
Thanks, Thomas 😀

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I go with the argument presented by Terry Freedman. That Lance guy should stick to punching his calculator buttons. Professor Freedman argues for better driver training, and I have to agree. Anticipate situations as he's described, and others such a cat on the left side of the road, and a dog on the right. Although a dog darting across the road after a cat is not a child, it may be the beloved pet of a child who will cry if you run it over. Not to mention the wheelwell mess.

I also wonder why neither Lance nor Fred (surely, a good lad) mentioned the simpler choice when two people are in danger at the same time. Instead of running face analysis, calculating discounts, and checking records for weed busts or shoplifting, hit the brakes.

All in all, I say be like Terry. Pay attention on the road.

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Thanks, Victor! “Hit the brakes”! 🤣 I suppose the assumption has to be that it's too late to brake, which in most cases would be an indication of not paying attention. Cheers 😁

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Jun 12Liked by Terry Freedman

luv that drawing!

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Thanks Elliot! 🤣

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Jun 12·edited Jun 13Liked by Terry Freedman

Good lord, I started laughing at the car with ears and never stopped. The real question is who does the missus prefer, Lance, Fred, or Terry? There aren’t any others are there? 😅

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Yes. There's Johnny Sax, Dr Tel and Derek Blunt. The missus says she will have to think about it 😂

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Jun 12Liked by Terry Freedman

Cars are overrated anyway—even driverless ones. If we would just phase out the idea of suburbia and build up our city cores for increased density and walkability, we wouldn't need cars. We could use public transport for those trips that are a little too far away for walking. And with everyone closer together we would have more opportunities for relationships and true community cohesiveness.

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Very true, William. London has already reached that state of Nirvana: travelling by car usually takes far longer than public transport or cycling.

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Having been the victim of 2 (horrific) car/truck accidents, I vote for paying attention all the time, to everything. Never take safety for granted, or assume one can trust anyone on any road.

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