Beautiful read Jeanne. I remember a boy lifting my skirt and pulling down my knickers when I was in elementary school. I also remember getting my period and living in denial hiding my knickers in the wash because I could not possibly be having my period (at first I thought I pooped my self) and getting so drunk at a friends party and passing out on her bathroom floor… all these things will be the make up of my “when I was xyz years old…” stories. I hope the younger people around me enjoy hearing them as much as I enjoyed reading yours.

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I am somewhat perversely enjoying all the comments about other's embarassing moments. It soothes the soul a little to know that one is not alone. Thanks Ana

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This was a very touching and sweet read. Enjoyed it thoroughly! I was thinking half way through surely you meant Pall Malls and I looked it up, and no, there was an old cigarette called Pell Mell, ha!

There is a kindness and a graciousness that comes along with it- stylistically a great balance of just enough detail in the right places with just the right amount of bittersweet-ness, I guess in knowing there were simpler times, largely gone, but still able to smile at their memory. Something like that, maybe.

Anyways, a wonderful read. Happy to have found it.

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Did I tell you about the time I shit myself in 5th grade?…

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No! I bet you remember it in detail. It's funny how those traumatic things burn into your memory.

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They do, maybe it'll be my next Substack. You've started revolution. Or in my case, a revopootion.

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Or, a revolootion.

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What happened to the original drawing?

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It got tossed a long time ago. It was crayon on construction paper. Oddly when I tried to redraw them, it really wasn't much different than the original in posistioning, or skill. I didn't like the drawing I used above, but didn't have the time to redo it. I only like the daffodil on the left. Ha.

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I actually thought it was stunning, but we often slate our own work, I get it! :-D

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Well, I didn't pee, but I was floundering in the pool because I've never been a good swimmer, and though by the edge where I could have simply climbed out, one of the adults pulled me out by the arm, leaving my trunks floating which got a huge laugh from all the other kids to see my skinny ass naked and I've said fuck a bunch of swimming since, ha.

Thanks for the tales and the memories, Jeanne! I'm waiting for the hitchhiking stories, too.

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How much time you got Victor? Ha! That is embarrassing and also sadly, I probably would have laughed too (all while taking a good long look). I hope you weren't too affected and that you can laugh about it now.

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Oh yeah, I laugh about it now....:)

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Yes!! A million times yes. This is quintessential Jeanne and I love it! I'd never heard the pee story but can't wait til she writes about hitchiking. Also, as one on the cusp of the next stage of life, this was both poignant and reassuring.

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Thanks Trilety. Have I told you about …?

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