Nice!!! Loved it, for an avid excavenger of facts!!! 😃😃

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A really terrific read! Thank you.

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Thank you Alex :)

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Get that bat.

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Hahahaha. Morris the cat might eat it

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I met a Central African Pygmy of the Twa tribe once. He was a lovely man.

I hope the Pygmy from your textbook got his burial in the end.

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I hope so too.

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Aug 4Liked by Ana Bosch

Seems to have. https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-37344210.amp

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Aug 4·edited Aug 4Author

Thank you, Susanna, for both reading and finding out more about him. Now I read the BBC article you linked and I am even more disgusted. But let's hope for a kinder, more imaginative future.

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