This is classic and so very true: Basically, if you are working-class and idle, you are lazy, if you are rich and idle, you are a philosopher living your best life.

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Ain't it true, Dondi?

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Surely, this is somewhat appropriate:


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Jun 23Liked by Ana Bosch

I prefer to call it ; peaceful relaxation.

I sincerely hope you are able to ; “…perfect my skills in the art of loafing.” while on vacation.

Seriously, I’m glad you are taking a break from the overwhelming intensity of your profession. How could you not give everything you have to it.

Enjoy !

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I just slipped in here to repost something else and saw all these lovely messages. I am sleeping until 10 EVERY DAY!!! HURRAH!

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Jun 26Liked by Ana Bosch

Yipee! Sleeping in.

You know what that means Doc, you needed the rest…

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Re: perceived vs acceptable idleness, I've learned dlas an editor that during very long rendering / processing waits, it's acceptable to browse your phone, it's acceptable to watch videos on YouTube, it's acceptable to to chat with colleagues, but God forbid you read a book. The second the book comes out, here come the, "Oh... Are we giving you enough to do?" questions.

The worst was when I was running three different renders and transfers on three different computers for three different projects, and a host of one of the shows I was working on literally said, "So let me get this straight, after we spend all day working on the show you just get paid to sit here and read?" That was back in 2012 but it hadn't changed much since.

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I hear you Dane, books to people must seem like the antichrist or something.

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Jun 22Liked by Ana Bosch

Marvelous musings on modern day’s most important topic!! I lay supine as I read it, air conditioned breeze comforting every contented bodily cell, wishing for the butler you described. Long live the idle. I am happily enlightened.

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Alan, you seem to me like a master at this truly lofty discipline. Aye, aye, long live the idle!

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Ahhh, las maravillosas siestas..I take one everyday, after going through some emails, newsletters, coming to Substack and by the hour comienzo a nod off till I fall asleep. What I hate is the medication induced naps of 3/4 hours, I wake up by force, even after a two hour siesta, I feel groggy, pains return with a bang, I can barely walk, I feel nauseous, etc. Sigh..I’d like a half an hour siesta or one hour if meds insist, but not more! I loose My whole afternoon/evening! And I have thousands(literally) of books to read, please! The rest siesta also serves as a rest, after 7/8 hours doing chores, running errands, taking of my elderly parents, taking Mum to daycare three times a week..

I’ve had a lower back fusion surgery and beginning of next year will go through another surgery at the waist level of the back. My whole spinal cord is degenerating. At thoracic and cervical level too but surgeon said it may not be possible to undergo more surgeries because of the degenerative vertebrae. And because of the neuropathy provoked by my back it effects my legs too, my right leg is completely numb till my toes. And constant stabbing pains from back till toes. I’ve had to stop the car because of the sudden stabbing pains while driving, my right leg becomes weak and cannot feel it, only feel the pains but it won’t obey my brain to lift the foot from the accelerator and have to do it with the aid of both hands. Thankfully it has only happened in my pueblo(town) and never while driving to and from Barcelona(Spain). J_d_r!!

I also have Arthritis in my vertebrae at Cervical/Neck area, besides my right hand. I’m a mess, yes. Lol.

Happy holidays, my dear. Disfruta. Descansa. Dedícate al ocio, en los dos sentidos. 😉 Felices vacaciones! 🧡🤗

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Wow Meenaz, it sounds like you also need to rest! Enjoy the sun in Barcelona! Take a dip in the see and float your troubles away for a couple of hours.

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Muchas gracias. Bless you. Thank you for taking the time from your holiday and busy life to respond. It means a lot.

Love and Light. 🧡🌟

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Edit: *lose, not loose.

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