Agreed. I just can’t play by the “rules”—so boring and predictable. I seek out tiny ‘stacks because I know that’s probably where the most creative work is hiding.

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I think in general that's true, Jacqueline.

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4Liked by Thomas J Bevan

" the way you do this is to bombard the online world continuously with your shit. " 🤣 Excellent. Have you noticed what seems to me to be a relatively recent phenomenon, what I call the anti-humble brag? It involves explicitly stating that you're not going to crow about something because you know how annoying and obnoxious that is, and then proceed to talk about it without naming it. It's so needy that it's sad.

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Great and funny read, and AMEN to that very last line.

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Great read Thomas of wonderland. These days I'm drawn to these types of articles, that point out the absurd mosh of oatmeal thoughts that much of the internet has become, in the hope that more people will stop celebrating mediocrity, that good old same old that looks just like yesterday's same old.

Fortunately, there's still original and lovely works out there. You just need to filter out the crap*

I've received many comments in my two years on this place of stacks, but one of the finest that sticks out was when someone said that I treat my readers as intelligent human beings. Yep, I'm in the readers-are-smart camp, which limits my invitations to parties. That's okay. I enjoy hanging out where I'm at, both physically, mentally, and spiritually.

I read a great essay related to this topic yesterday, and then another one (yours) today. Maybe the world is shifting.

*Jumbo size filter required.

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Your timing is impeccable - I almost gave up. Now I definitely will! 😂 Thanks. That was a kick in the pants and the face. Exactly what I needed to stop taking myself and this game so seriously.

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This piece is like a comet of timeless wisdom, slicing through the thick atmosphere of the high fructose trash economy, en route to its destiny as an extinction-level-event service provider for the ubiquitous artistic rot which has been zombifying the human soul.


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Your intro reflects how I feel about audience growth.

I’m done with staring and fretting over analytics. Im focusing on improving my craft and connecting with the right ones.

That’s more important than the graphs and stats.

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lol, well done sir, well done.

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What amazing advice you shared, until that drivel at the end where you were clearly just trying to talk over my head. I'd restack this, but then everyone would figure out how to grow their following and just immediately do that.

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I’m here for the ‘needy but pragmatic species of marine life’ line

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Ok, I’ll bite. First of all: Good God, Thomas! Here I was having a relaxing Sunday at home when I noticed I’d got a new musing from you. “Ah, great!”, I thought, “This’ll really stir my creative juices, fire me up to fully commit to my (insert latest creative folly) project”. Nope. Existential crisis incoming! By the end of point one, you’d already cut slow close to the bone that I felt it could be terminal. Oh well, might as well finish reading while I’m bleeding out. Then the word ‘listicle’ popped into my eyeballs I puked into my keyboard. Thank god you included the last section; I was just about finished. This article should’ve come with a disclaimer.

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It’s pull up 🙂

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Reading the first section, even through the sarcasm and wit, fear told me I am becoming a blob. And then, I got to the last section, and the sun shone again and I remembered that I bask in the glory of intelligent and thoughtful artistry.

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