An Essay
Some of the songs George did were ok, but you'll have to have them all pulled out, after the Savoy Truffle. Great piece. I will remember to do something creative after I have descaled the kettle.
Nice article. George had some songs on albums before Revolver fyi, but limited (2 on Rubber Soul, 1 on Help, etc) but the point stands.
"...his song writing skills were negligent at the time..."
Did you mean negligible?
Haha, yes, good spot - cheers!
Some of the songs George did were ok, but you'll have to have them all pulled out, after the Savoy Truffle. Great piece. I will remember to do something creative after I have descaled the kettle.
Nice article. George had some songs on albums before Revolver fyi, but limited (2 on Rubber Soul, 1 on Help, etc) but the point stands.
"...his song writing skills were negligent at the time..."
Did you mean negligible?
Haha, yes, good spot - cheers!