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Jun 15·edited Jun 15Liked by Jeanne S

This is everything. The childhood and youth, and all those items and things that were too precious to use now. Save them for later things. And Gregg. May everyone have a Gregg in their youth!

"The sun shone so brightly I couldn’t see his face clearly only his slightly crooked grin. His back lit hair glowed. Droplets of cool water sparkled across his chest and on his arms tiny hairs stood up from the chill of the water. His golden skin shone silver as he wraped his arms around me. Like my diamond, I was secure." This is the perfection of teenage love.

And -- to find what is most precious too late. Gosh, it stings. It stings in such a recognizable way! Jeanne, this is a movie that you've written!

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How could i have read earlier drafts of this and yet i still cried, mainly cuz of that ending - so poignantly hopeful.

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Cause you helped! Deepest gratitude.

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very moving. It doesn't matter if it's not literally true if it has a deeper truth.

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Thanks Lance😉. Glad you understood that

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